Hello everyone, my name is Umar Abdul Aziz Al-Faruq. You can call me Umar. I was born in Kebumen, Central Java. I graduated from Universitas Islam Indonesia majoring in Informatics and now work at Kitameraki as a Backend Developer. Besides working as a developer, I usually spend my free time reading comics, especially manhwa, working out (calisthenic), and watching Islamic preaching. I found that balancing work and life, world and hereafter is the best way to help my health (physically and mentally).
As a Backend Developer, I am responsible for coding, deploying, documenting, and maintaining applications on the backend side. Building applications that must satisfy the requirements and writing code that needs to be easy to maintain, read by other developers, and scalable is one of the most challenging for me. But through those challenges, I learned a lot of things and can improve my knowledge and skills.
In Kitameraki, I am not working as a single player (alone) we have a team filled with talented and passionate developers, and I must work together with them. Each developer has their way when it comes to solving problems. And that can be a challenge as well because sometimes we have different opinions when working together. The best part of working together is that it is easy to seek help and guidance from teammates or fellow developers when I am faced with problems, obstacles, or challenges.
Communication and collaboration are essential skills that we as developers need to have. Handling feedback and criticism are also important because we can see them as opportunities to improve. I believe that constructive criticism is essential for personal and professional growth. Not only that, but we also need to put the best effort when doing the job and put our soul, creativity, and love into it. It’s not just finishing the job or task and continuing to another job or task. Finally, this world is important but hereafter much more important. Keep praying no matter how busy you are, how many tasks you have because without God’s help, we’re nothing and cannot do anything.
