Kitameraki decided to take on a project that oversees a company’s crude palm oil production. We wanted to help said company in reaching efficiency by executing our newly expanded expertise in Artificial Intelligence, IoT, and Business Intelligence.

Photo by Nazarizal Mohammad on Unsplash
What is AI? Why is It Important?
To begin this article, it is crucial to understand the meaning of Artificial Intelligence, or most commonly abbreviated as AI. To put simply, where machines are taught to learn, think, and make decisions similar to humans. Burberry, one of the best-known luxury fashion brands, uses AI to identify counterfeit products. Twitter, one of the largest social media platforms, uses AI to learn their users’ preferences. Volvo, the Swedish luxury automobile, uses AI to predict when vehicles need servicing. This article would go on forever if we mentioned all the real-life case examples.
Overall, AI has been proven to increase productivity, save money in the long run, make faster business decisions, avoid “human error,” and increase operational efficiency.
Indonesia as the Largest Producer
Now let's contextualize the current status quo in relation to palm oil production. Currently, palm oil is an important feedstock that is used globally in many different industry sectors. Its worldwide usage has increased by 21.3%, from 59,4 million metric tons in 2015 to 75,4 million metric tons in 2020. Among the millions of metric tons of palm oil used globally, Indonesia produces 84% of that, placing Indonesia as the largest producer of palm oil.

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash
What Was the Problem?
Although Indonesia is the world’s biggest palm oil producer, many gaps exist as barriers to the highest efficiency and efficacy. After diving deep into each companies’ practices, many producers of palm oil use human graders to categorize if a palm oil bunch is ready to be harvested or not. The problem is, each human grader had their self-made criteria. Moreover, they are human- they can’t be 100% accurate 100% of the time.
This was also the case for the company Kitameraki oversaw. To reiterate, the quality and quantity of oils that can be extracted from the fruit bunch were never consistent- they needed something else to closer to 100% accuracy; Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence in Oil Palm Production
In our palm oil case, AI is when machines are taught to differentiate ripe and unripe fruit bunches based on existing datasets. And just like our other services, Kitameraki continuously adjusts its customer's needs. As for this company, Kitameraki had to adapt for two things; budget issues, and insufficient data. Follow us for Pt.2: Everything about IoT. More exciting things are coming!
Revolutionize your palm oil operations with cutting-edge AI Computer Vision solutions. Our AI experts can help you harness the power of AI to optimize yields, detect plant diseases early, and drive sustainability. Partner with us today to unlock the full potential of AI in transforming your plantation's productivity and profitability.
Kitameraki ( is the trusted partner for comprehensive IT Consulting and IT services in Indonesia. With strong focus on IT Solutions, Web Development, Mobile App Development, and Cloud Solutions, we help businesses navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape. Our expertise extends to Cloud Services, Cloud Migration, Data Analytics, Big Data, Business Intelligence, Data Science, and Cybersecurity.